Gossiping Poem by Randy McClave


Gossip is carried by haters
And it is always spread by fools,
It's accepted by idiots, it's creator's
Where common sense never rules.
It can turn a caring woman into a tramp
It can make a good man look bad,
And it make a coward a champ
And it can make a very good person very sad.
It can make a bad person look good
And it can make an honest person a liar,
It makes a loving person wonder why they should
And it brings gossipers closer to Hell's fire.
It can cause a good heart to hate
It can cause a true person to lose their belief,
And it can change forever someone's fate
And it can turn a joyous time into heartbreak and grief.
It makes a busybody look like a prophet
It makes the scum seemed as royalty,
All that they care about is their own profit
They have no true devotion or loyalty.
The truth a gossiper doesn't care about or know
Gossiping people never do pray,
Because, they only speak on the Devil's radio
They become the Devil's personal DJ.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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