'' Hatred Is A Heavy Load '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' Hatred Is A Heavy Load ''

My hatred for life knows no bounds,
Anything to me is fair game,
Why I am like this really confounds,
I even abhor my own name.

I detest being fat I hate being thin,
Why can't I be shapely but lean,
Regardless of size I can never win,
For me there is no in between.

I loathe my work with a passion,
I'd just walk away if I could,
But as hatred is part of my fashion,
I don't really see why I should.

When I look around me it springs to mind,
I hate the whole concept of living,
To people and animals I can be so unkind,
At times I am so unforgiving.

I try to find faults wherever I go,
It's my aim in life to be cruel,
If I find one in you believe me you'll know,
I'll leave you feeling the fool.

I detest people telling me what to do,
Why don't they just see the light,
Regardless I'll tell them you haven't a clue,
For even when wrong I am right.

I may not know you but I don't even care,
There'll be something in you I can hate,
I'll search till I find it so please be aware,
Your character I will cremate.

I loathe religion with it's thousands of Gods,
How many Heavens can there be,
It preaches love and peace yet we're all at odds,
All trying to set our souls free.

I detest myself I hear you ask why,
To be honest I'm not really sure,
I hate the thought that one day I'll die,
Yet to me it has a certain allure.

Why am I like this I hear you all ask,
There's no answer or any excuse,
If truth be told it's really a mask,
It's my form of self abuse.

I had loving parents a wonderful life,
They never caused me any affray,
So why do I cause others such terrible strife,
There's no reason for me being this way.

I have never suffered rejection,
Tolerance is the lesson I've been taught,
Though I was given affection,
All that's done is leave me distraught.

I'm perceived as having a heart of stone,
I've been told that is all down to me,
If the price for my hatred is being alone,
Then I need to set myself free.

Hate is a strong and emotive term,
It has the power to kill and destroy,
In reality it's really an obnoxious germ,
Which ruins your ability to enjoy.

I'll be left forlorn and without any hope,
If I continue on this dangerous road,
With my loathing of life I can no longer cope,

‘' Hatred Is A Heavy Load ‘'

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