Hell's Fury Dooms Its Own Death Toll Poem by Panmelys

Hell's Fury Dooms Its Own Death Toll

Rating: 4.0

Out of chaos comes Light: no words... a friend
wrote: it's true, for nothing can express pain
and agony felt by shock of fiends
who have ruined so many splintered lives:
yet, my profession is use of language
able to transmit on page, the crowd's claim...

sounding their silent cry: poets are guids,
who must beg worlds not to bury bowed heads
in desert sands: instead rise up, strong and brave
in order to respect those sacrificed dead!

Let not fear and hate wrap around our hearts
but rather carry high the torch of Light:
poets must show the way out of darkness,
where love and kindness: faith in the Absolute
Unknown Energy far stronger than evil
scarabees of violent stark blackness!

This kamikaze hell has tolled its own death bell
it has insulted humanitarian
dignity and ethical behavior:
opened doors to create new spiritual change!

Panmelys Friday November l3th 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: hope
Speaks its own tragedy - but is a poet's hope rising out of despair, transmitting the silent cry of the crowd, which is the job of poets: it was read Monday before a TV channel, which I
didn't ask name of: at Place de la Republique in Paris, and was well appreciated by those young people listening. I'd like someone to place it against the French flag as background,
I'm not clever on computers, so not sure how to do this. Thanks.
Susan Williams 03 September 2020

Let not fear and hate wrap around our hearts but rather carry high the torch of Light: poets must show the way out of darkness, - - - > a call for social enlightenment that has not come to pass yet

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Khairul Ahsan 25 March 2016

Read this poem of pain, but it has also evoked feelings of hope in me: 'it has insulted humanitarian dignity and ethical behavior: opened doors to create new spiritual change! ' - Well said!

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