High School Homo Poem by Ramona Thompson

High School Homo

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Hard to be who you are when its not what they wanna hear
In an instant your whole high shool social life is destoryed
If your deep dark secret is revealed
Got to pack your bags quick and move on
To another state
Another school
Before they beat you dead
For the choices that you have made and the love that you have choosen
Hardly a day goes by that I don't live with the fear
The fear of what my fellow students would do
If they only knew
Slowly losing my little hope and sanity I have left
Cursing the day that I was born
Cos they've all made me feel
Like an outcast and a freak
Hell not Heaven is where I have been told
For sure I am going
Over and over and over again
Only my love for my family
Keeps me from taking the ulimate way out of this mess
This mess that my life has become
Lost in an endless sea of turmoil and trouble
Help me please if you can to decide who and if I should tell
Open myself up for the world to know?
Or die more inside a little everyday?
Making this choice either way is more then likely
Gonna get me killed
Oh God can somebody please please tell me please

If he were here today
Trembling and scared
In my shoes
What would Jesus do?
Oh lord what would he do?
Tell me please
If you can
What would a scared gay teen savior do?
If he were me here today

2008 Ramona Thompson

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