Homeless? Poem by John A'Hern


Homeless is such a sad word
Other descriptions just deepen the wound
Media reports sadness then moves on
Temporary solutions missing the throng
Human beings lost their way
Help is needed that prevent their straying
Have you seen and walked to the side?
Crossed a road averting eyes?
No words no actions you cast aside
Stop a while it will open your eyes
Sadness in the air suffocating their stare
Sit and think about careing
Do not cross the road to avoid
Eye to eye stop and chat awhile
The night brings demons into troubled lives
Where to sleep when bones are frozen to the core
Give to charities or send money overseas
The people that need it are in front of us it seems
Success rate of returning to the fold
Move them on to where? who knows?
Blankets and sleeping bags under the stars
A roof over their head, memories of times before
We shake our heads in disbelief
Battle lines drawn we all should weep.

Thursday, July 13, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: helpless,homeless,sadness
Recent media coverage of the homeless in Sydney Australia, what can only be described as a camp in the middle of the City was dismantled and the homeless moved on. Those moved on were provided with places to stay for one week, after that, who knows? No more media coverage, all swept under the carpet.
Unwritten Soul 15 August 2017

I really feel like, we really need to gear up together to help unfortunate one...it doesnt mean they live homeless they are useless, even i heard a story of how a professor ended living at the street and one day one of his students found him...Life has different way to live, different problem we faced...it just we need some love and kindness to keep eveybody strong..nobody knows what will happen to us next, this poem to me really make me feel how great it need to be said here and there because every life matters...thank your for this work, thank you for everything you shared here :)

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John Ahern 15 August 2017

Thank you for taking the time to read the poem, this problem has never been fully understood.

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