Hospital Angels Poem by Phil Soar

Hospital Angels

Rating: 3.5

Angels making sure that every day you feel your best,
Even though you have those pains that hurt inside your chest,
Doctors and Consultants working tirelessly to find,
Results which might reduce the stress, inside your worried mind.

The days of feeling there's no end to all your doubts and fears,
Seem to drag along, and every day just feels like years,
Samples taken every day, the wait to hear the news,
Results that multiply each time and lots of bed reviews.

The ever present volunteers, and those who tidy up,
The visits with the daily drinks in little cardboard cups,
Crazy gowns to wear when your procedure is that day,
Your arse on view, for everyone to see along the way.

Dracula on rounds removing blood with such a smile,
"Just a little prick" she says, as she fills up the vial,
How did she know, you think, and has she got an x-ray skill? ,
You'd like to think that it has shrunk, because your feeling ill.

Teams who operate and teams who greet you as you wake,
The best there are in all the land, of that make no mistake,
You really should feel grateful, you are in the safest place,
They're probing every orifice, with smiles upon their face.

And when you're feeling better and hear you're going home,
Back to where you feel the best, and the settee is your throne,
Think of all those angels, working hard most every day,
Restoring you to health and helping you during your stay.

Regardless of the pressures, when you're with the NHS,
Everywhere you look, there's someone giving of their best,
People with such talent, and such great determination,
Making us so glad they help us all, in this great nation.

So when you're lying in that bed, your tackle all on show,
Even though it makes them laugh, you wouldn't really know,
They're angels in disguise, supported by a team of greats,
So smile and just be grateful, when you leave those car park gates.

With thanks to New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton, UK.
On my way to recovery I will always be grateful for their help and expertise.

Phil Soar

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: hospital,health
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