How Do You Sleep At Night? Poem by Randy McClave

How Do You Sleep At Night?

How do you sleep at night
Is it with terror and fright,
Do you toss and turn
Fearing that soon someday you will burn.
Do you have any nightmares
From not having any guilt or cares,
Tell me do you ever weep
From the lies and the secrets that you keep.
I wonder before you lay down your head
Is it with a sadness and dread,
From the things that you have said and did
From which yourself and God it isn't hid.
Are you afraid to close your eyes
Hoping not for the thoughts of your lies,
Are you ever awakened with a cold sweat
That's a damning, that's not paid yet.
I wonder do sheep do you ever count
And if so, how many is their amount,
Is one for every sin for which you did pray
Maybe you didn't, so they all ran away.
Do you go to bed without any guilt
Ponder this, how many walls have you built,
But, think also about this too
How about the person, sleeping next to you.

Randy L. McClave

Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: shame,sleep
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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