How He Thought He'd Be Missed Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

How He Thought He'd Be Missed

Rating: 5.0

Oh one year to this day he'd died,
A void would long remain with us,
His absence felt conspicuous,
Hope his bequest would new pens guide.

A brand new trend created he,
A tall benchmark was he in field,
His pen being read by many
A new crop of poems would yield.

Wonder-stuck as if in a dream
They'd contemplate on his rare style,
It's hard still to emulate him,
Sure, he looked like a lonely isle.

Isolated in a huge crowd,
And lapsing in silence, in mimes,
Of whom poetry world feels proud,
He struggled for a word at times.

I've seen his audience in rapture,
The mood of his poems to capture,
Today his fragrance is right here,
Yet, gone has the flower sans peer.

….. And how things were

Emptiness nor were there a void,
One year has from memory died,
His pen's silence was not much sighed,
New styles that came, readers enjoyed.

Few gravely think— if none at all,
Poetry field is any worse
In the absence of his oeuvres,
Save that his few minions so call.

He loomed large, straddled in a crowd,
For, his mouth no doubt was tad loud;
A few flowers can't a spring make,
Nor few showers can flood a lake.

Nor ever his pen's twirls a few
An era can start all a new.
A poet imagines how he would be remembered after his death; and then the reality dawns.
Musings | 03.08.14 |

Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: fame,poet
Edward Kofi Louis 18 June 2019

His absence! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aniruddha Pathak 19 June 2019

Yes, when one has an inflated sense about his poems this happens. The poet dies along with his poems. Thanks Edward Louis.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 June 2019

Isolated in a huge crowd, And lapsing in silence, in mimes, Of whom poetry world feels proud, He struggled for a word at times......outstanding conceptualization. This is really a beautiful poem on poet and fame having an impressive inscription.10

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Aniruddha Pathak 19 June 2019

Your observation is to the point. In running after fame, a poet forgets to enjoy his creation. Of course if poems are appreciated by the readers the poet would feel good, but the first person to enjoy the poems should be the poet himself. Thank you Kumarmani M.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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