How My Sister Got So Smart Poem by PATRICIA DOBROSIPEARSON

How My Sister Got So Smart

Hi I'm Jane Doze and I have a story to tell you.
How My Sister Got So Smart

They say that you are born with special talents. That you are created to do special things in your life. Do remember the guy that got struck by lightning? Sometimes you get special powers this way. The movie was called Powder. He could control electromagnetic fields, bend objects with his mind and he was white as a ghost.

Not too different from my sister. She's a geometry teacher. I take a lot of credit for her abilities.

When we were small, I was six and she was four, we moved to South Dakota. It was cool. We moved into a really old farmhouse. It had an upstairs and that’s where the bedrooms were. It was on a few acres. Before I knew it we had a cow, some pigs, two ponies, cats and a dog.

Well, on a farm you have to keep your animals in. Usually you just use a fence. My pony had a habit of leaning over the fence to eat the corn from our garden; so my dad decided to put in an electric fence. We never knew when it was on or off and there was no place along the fence where the electric fence was not. I liked to climb the fence and see my pony.

So, here is where the beauty of miracles comes in. I used to ask my sister to touch it. Just to see if it was on. I never made her. I just asked. ' Hey Lori, touch the fence ' and she would do it every time! ! !

Sometimes, it was on. She would let me know. Sometimes it was off. I think we lived there for a year or two. So that is how my sister got so smart. It wasn't lightning, it was voluntary shock therapy. Now she is a math GENIUS. I wonder if she would do it for me now?
'Hey Lori, ..........touch the fence.'

Moral to the story: Don't ALWAYS do what your told.

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