' I Am Blind, Mute And Deaf ' Poem by Ency Bearis

' I Am Blind, Mute And Deaf '

Rating: 3.0

Did I Love you
- because you are a diamond
- because you are a gold
- because you are a star
adored by the world
- because you are a song
that enlightened my soul
as my solitude is my heaven
only song can awaken my soul to joy

I say no for whatever reason
all of those I can't see and hear

For whatever reason
- I love you how
For whatever reason
- I love you who you are
For whatever reason
- the world will tell against you
- no matter what
- I don't listen
- I only listen to my heart

For whatever past you have
- I remain tongue - tied
For whatever particular darkness
you had been
- I will not insist to see
For I will light up your life
- with my body, soul and heart

Ency Bearis
Copyright (c) 2010

Taken from my book- Bits and Pieces Of Thoughts

Adeline Foster 28 October 2011

An interesting and energic poem. Like it. Read mine - O Dearest Love - Adeline

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Unwritten Soul 22 October 2011

Wow Ency, the verses such specially and carefully made by you, it really good..sometimes we need to be blind, mute and deaf to really appreciate what we ignore to see, hear and talk...it voice of heart, it tones of soul and it knows love more than anything, without interference of noises...Simply lovely write..top mark for sure_Unwritten Soul

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Tsira Gogeshvili 26 September 2011

H Ency, such brightness, beautness, sonorousness of verse , I think that your blindness, dumbness and deafness will not prevent you to understand my admiration (^ -^) Bet wishes, Tsira.

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Ace Of Black Hearts 04 September 2011

With the blindness love can come hurt and pain. The infatuation can drive a man insane. To the point where life and death doesn't matter. All that matter is your object of love. Good Poem Man...

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