'' I Can't Stop, The Ravages Of Time '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' I Can't Stop, The Ravages Of Time ''

I have everything I need,
Yet I crave for more,
What's causing this burning desire,
Some say it's greed,
I've heard that before,
Wanting more, is what lights my fire.

I look after me,
For you I don't care,
I don't really see why I should,
You may not agree,
But why should I share,
I look upon my way as shrewd.

My homes and cars,
Are all I crave,
Relationships, they come and go,
Dining with stars,
Is the way to behave,
So why do I always feel low.

I do suffer strife,
I have issues of trust,
I constantly look over my shoulder,
It affects my life,
It is so unjust,
It feels like I'm carrying a boulder.

Despite my cash,
My happiness suffers,
She loves me, she loves me not,
It's a paranoid crash,
Will my life hit the buffers?
Will someone take all I've got?

You may think I'm mad,
But my dilemma is real,
Who'll lift me, if I fall in a ditch,
In reality I'm sad,
This I try to conceal,
It's not all sweetness being rich.

Life is unjust,
It leaves me cold,
The thought that one day I'll die,
My gut I'd bust,
To stop getting old,
Eternal youth, you just cannot buy.

As I slowly age,
There's that bitter taste,
Getting older, should be classed as a crime,
It puts me in a rage,
That despite my wealth,

‘' I Can't Beat, The Ravages Of Time ‘'

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