I Did It Right Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

I Did It Right

What a wonderful feeling,
One to self can finally admit.
To not question or doubt,
The truth of it that exists.

I Did It Right.

Anyone who has arrived,
With a knowing what it takes...
To hold and not let go of a wish.
Or become discouraged,
By time or words heard to lose interest...
Should not give up or give in to this.
Never let a dream die if it's on a wish list.

I Did It Right.

If there is 'anyone' with a dream,
Wanted so much...
Hold tightly onto it and in 'mind' keep it touched.
Make each day an awakening process,
To appetize and savor that which is wished.
And one day that taste will become reality.

I Did It Right.

Maybe not overnight.
But what has been envisioned to see,
To know it clear and broad daylight as real...
Gone will be the need to convince,
Since what is felt is a truth to feel.
Persistence and not quitting did it.

I Did It Right.
It can now be admitted.
With a validating why the feeling is there.

My life, my wants and wishes.
To know there had to have been a reason,
Why fears I had to face with faith and sacrifice.
And today I can say to myself, I did it right.

Sunday, June 7, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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