I Don't Really Care Poem by Randy McClave

I Don't Really Care

I don't really care how mad that you are
I don't even care if you think it's acceptable and par,
But, one thing to you I will steadfastly say
Saying f**ked up things out of anger is not okay.
At me don't you ever scream and/ or curse
Thinking and hoping to make my feelings worse,
Though you and I might had once drank from the same cup
Remember, you and not me is the one who messed up.
Though you are having troubles I am truly sorry and sad
But, don't you dare look at me and even get mad,
Though of course their is pain and you feel damaged
But, with help it can be controlled or fixed and managed.
I don't really care how mad or aggravated that you are
Nor do I care if you want to argue or spar,
One thing that I will say to you before we begin to fight
Saying f**ked up things is never acceptable or right.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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