I Forget You From This Moment Of Time Poem by VIPINS PUTHOORAN

I Forget You From This Moment Of Time

Rating: 4.5

I forget you from this moment of time;
Forget you from my deepest core of heart
For you cannot be mine in my love!
For you cannot be mine in my love!
For you cannot come to my loneliness
From that farthest distance where you live
To take away the emptiness that I keep,
In my heart for a long time.
Your eyes hide always from my eyes,
When I tell you a thousand stories-
Of love and dreams that I desire for.
You often stare at me as if I am a forbidden fruit,
But my desire is to be in your garden of love
I can no longer bear this pain in my bosom
As this separation gives me the worst pain
And I no longer want to feel my every beat
That gives me the excruciating agony
So I take my own ways to forget you
To forget you from the dale of my heart
Before I start loving you whole heartily
Before I start loving you whole heartily
I devote my soul to this wide sky
To dissolve my fate in its silence

Friday, November 22, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: love
I forget you, my love!
Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 09 September 2014

A successful write and beautiful poem with such emotions and memories of love.

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Shahzia Batool 09 January 2014

Vipins, good write up...so involving and engrossing, but the poem shows you don't mean it, and you cannot forget her!

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Unwritten Soul 28 December 2013

It so sad reading this write...but i understand that its better forget it all than enduring pain, because pain to life is incurable but only times heals...we hope you are doing well, and all you have keep it to be stronger. and again Vipins, your write successfully achieve a deep emotion link to the readers...it reached us_Soul

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