I'm Not That Bad Poem by Mark Heathcote

I'm Not That Bad

All I know is I should have thrown you out
Why have I given you so much of my life?
Am I not good enough to be your wife?
"I'm sorry" if you don't marry me you're out
I was good enough onetime but not now
"I'm sorry, " I hit you, I was drunk
"I'm sorry, " I kicked you, I was drunk
"I'm sorry, " I told so many lies about you
"I'm sorry, " but if you don't marry me you're out
I was good enough one time but now I'm not
"I'm sorry, " I took your bankcards I was drunk
"I'm sorry, " I destroyed your good credit history
"I'm sorry, " I had you wrongly arrested
"I'm sorry, " you were given those bail conditions
Anyway it's your entire fault
I'm not responsible for any of it, I was drunk
You know I love you, you're my rock
And right now I just can't remember so
Just say you're sorry and that will be that
Just plan the wedding Baby, and marry me
Then darling I'll forgive you I'll return your key
Just be good to me and I'll take you back.
And Baby you can see your kids anytime
Because sweet darling, I'm not that bad.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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