If. Poem by Adnan Khalifeh


Rating: 5.0

If I ever had a chance with you.
I could then express how I love you.
Don’t wonder how, for what, or why.
It is just like that.like the sea and the blue.
I wonder what the blue could mean.
If not with the ocean can be seen.
And all my dreams have a unique road.
A road that leads me towards you.
Being alone I reach no where.
I have no more tears for I could spare.
Cause every night I cry alone.
I breath alone I die alone.
I feel like a ghost in a miserable darkness.
No touch no heat no sour no sweet.
I only wish to be alive.
But it’s impossible without you.


Wow, very touching and powerful.

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Marilyn Lott 13 March 2010

A very sweet love poem - straight from the heart and so meaningful. Loved it. A '10! ' Warm Wishes, Marilyn

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 11 March 2010

A road that leads me towards you. Being alone I reach no where. I have no more tears for I could spare. Cause every night I cry alone. I breath alone I die alone. I feel like a ghost in a miserable darkness. No touch no heat no sour no sweet. I only wish to be alive. But it’s impossible without you....They are unforgettable momebts in life and doesn't allow us rest till the end of life. memorable and special one.... lovely piece of writing dear.. but cry not else it will bring shame.......10 read mine cry not..... I miss.... anywhere.. come home

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