If Fair Lady Should Lose Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

If Fair Lady Should Lose

When eagle eyes some old skeletons find,
Putting tall chairs of fairness in a bind,
Upsetting long cosy fraternal peace,
A war-cry called against judicial chair,
Doubting if fair lady weighs justice fair,
It's bound to rob us of Bohemian bliss.

Of sixteen arbiters of fair justice,
Each an occupant of exalted chair,
No more than six making a perfect square,
Half, notorious to abuse their office,
Two getting benefits of doubt of sort,
There crumbles ‘las the last judicial fort!

Imagine half of a coin's counterfeit,
Half of a song's rhythm running faulty,
Off scale unfolding half of melody;
So be but six chairs found faultlessly fit
Bearing the brunt of an honest burden,
The two eagles whilst watch in glee the fun!

Contempt of court a potent privilege,
Let truth be grey or white, faulty or fair,
And guarded by the chairs with wounded rage,
Impeaching chairs whilst has gone thin and rare,
Let's thank whatso whistles that bare and dare,
If only truth should get a lion's share.

If fortress of fairness far be from fairs,
If fingers aimed be at exalted chars,
If guardians of laws conspire laws to break—
If far from legal be the course of law,
If sweet deals should flavour Fair Lady's cake,
If last bastion of hope inspires no awe!

I shudder; fail to ponder on what if,
The blind lady need look back at her brief.
A father and son pair of advocates had alleged that eight of the sixteen judges of the Supreme Court were definitely corrupt, and six were definitely honest, while in the case the remaining two a definite opinion cannot be expressed. We do not know the truth, but perceptions if not motivated tell a lot. And the highest chairs should be above all doubt. For, in life perception is all there is. This piece sounds a bit satirical in tone, but it is more a pathetic cry.
Happenings | 03.10.10 |

Monday, October 1, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: justice
Edward Kofi Louis 02 March 2020

Fairness! ! Justice, Perceptions of life. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aniruddha Pathak 02 March 2020

When I wrote this poem in 2010, I knew that perhaps this cry would prove to be one in wilderness. And it was. It had no readers. Why? We all know, but let sleeping dogs lie. Well, thanks for reading this poem. And I am glad that it got read, does not matter much if after 10 years. But it gets read on no reciprocation basis.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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