Happenings poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best happenings poems ever written. Read all poems about happenings.
The green village, the colored city, the ever familiar locality
Each path, tree, house, turn, each native I have left behind
But creepers, hedges have entangled with my leg and hand
The green crops fields, green hills, fruit trees, call me back,
Two girls discover
the secret of life
in a sudden line of
All trains stop here and come to an abrupt halt
We call it cardiac arrest or near heart stop
No time at disposal for things to arrange
No grace period allowed for orderly manage
An old man whose black face
shines golden-brown as wet pebbles
under the streetlamp, is walking two mongrel dogs of dis-
proportionate size, in the rain,
Is it possible?
There is anyone without someone?
Anyone can read
white curtains of infinite fatigue
dominating the starborn heritage of the colonies of St Francis
A wish, a desire it keeps
Flies on the wings of dreams
Neither long for any destination
nor strives for a resting place
Who were the twain that trod this track
So many times together
Hither and back,
In spells of certain and uncertain weather?
Childhood, no more a time ‘tis to chill,
What a way, child's very child to kill!
It's time to draw a line,
Every child's no Einstein,
Spring time is a great time of love
And this blooms when sun beautifies tender sky,
Spring allows us to sing and
Spring allows us to feel the beauty of nature.
Grey church sits lonely on the hill,
Awaiting its next Sunday thrill.
Voices rising up to the spire,
Kept in tune by the local choir.
Kind Sir: This is an old game
that we played when we were eight and ten.
Sometimes on The Island, in down Maine,
Whose sense has deceived themselves
Luck can't help,
It is and was fixed
For their wrong and misdeeds;
For his fair conduct, goodly grade,
The killer was out on parole.
Easy, for justice to give dole,
If you look at something
From all points of view
You will know the truth
About the thing.
I used to stroll along in the pedestrian way,
Most at night times for close of the day,
With an anticipation of being so relax and calm,
And also searching for something like balm.
Bedecking with events
Whose shadow trails again in the mind-yard
The hopes planted by me rustle with a start
The sun is creeping above the hills
Giving an orangish tinge to the sky
The sky turns a beautiful shade of colors
As the early birds fly by
In this angry world,
stay close, darlin'.
We are united by words,
with words,
Alien Poetry
Geometric_psychometric_liberated Wisdom in the quotidian life happenings and in beings and in becomings.
Miracle or Fate or Luck!
If happenings are beyond human understanding, it is act of fate;
Bad happenings at unexpected time, it is the work of fate sure;
How to Torchlight Conceptpoetry(1)
Depth Of Poetry.
timelessness embodied and in fluxus at every moment of poetic singularity's breath.
I was a zealous, blue patrol officer, preserving the safer public environments,
As black, diamond nights come in sequence, with the glittery enlightenments.
I helped to direct ephemeral traffic, serving justice and enforcing eternal law,
Thus I woke
Thus I wake
Oblivious to the happenings in sleep.
meditation is fully-conscious at the end of autofictional reaction or phenomena on body-mind faculty.
the sun.the moon.the silence.the truth.the phenomena of happenings.
just notes about poetry: .
not poetry poetry
not poet poet
(lines.colours of words sprouted.sounds.voices.concepts.emotions.machine learning mind patterns.thoughtbforms.naivism of humanity.chaotic letters in poetry.spelling mistakes.dreams of codes.decoding layers of texts.programmed forms.progrmmeless happenings.) the bracketed reality in realiry of noded skins of language and sense and action in poetic limcense is making and uncreating poem of moments, which make readers conceptual-emotional awareness into proliferated beings in diverse understamding of complex theories.
All back to nothingness when going through life in detailed analysis..
that's justbauto-fictional event by mind-media programme habiruated unknowingyly..
only emptiness poetry of nothingness in silence into total silence. jusy awareness poem left.
''On the other side of resistance(storm or wind) , there is flow.''
(Zen Proverb)
things are as they are.whatever is happening around one, keep still like a boat in the storm in the sea.just watch the flow of happenings inside mind.
no story vibrating.just vibrations of mind.
when one leaves the world, nothing he can take.
(impermanence and emptiness
no ego-controlled happenings in the continuum of body-mind stadium.)
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. PoemHunter.com contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.