If You Dont Come Back I Will Give Up... Poem by Ala elouri

If You Dont Come Back I Will Give Up...

When i feel weak, I'm melting...
When I feel defensless, I feel restless...
When i am crying, I feel i'm fading..
When I look at the stars && wish you were there for me... I shed 1 single tear..
Wondering why your never by myside, Cuz when you were there I was strong....
I never shed one single tear.. I knew you were there && I didn't have to wish for anything..
But now, you're gone and took my heart && left it broken..
You left, I had hope wishing you bt everytime I did... You put me down & forgot Every single Valuable memory we shared.. I wanted nothing, Just for you to be there by myside when i cry..And fix every wrong thing in my life...I wanted you to care.. I wanted you to be there at everytime, i share my sorrow and my joy.. Bt i couldnt keep wishing, and dreaming Cuz everytime i do my heart starts bleeding..The problem is my heart never stops bleeding.. Feel my pain, Hear me, understand me, Dont leave me, Stay by myside cuz if you don't believe me you will nt feel fine and feel guilty all your life..
The worst thing is when you need me, I wont be there.. I will give up just like how you gave up on me...

Ala elouri

Ala elouri

SanClemente, California
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