Imagine My Beautiful Face$... Poem by Chuy Amante

Imagine My Beautiful Face$...

Imagine a world
where ideas and kindness
were the only qualifiers

A world where no authority
was recognized,
not status symbols

Kind gestures, gifts,
beauty, tasty food,
more flowers, compliments,
large helpings of dessert,
more smiles, long hugs,
sharing, caring for all
animals and people, helping,

I see the mastery of hell here.
ie. Expensive cars, BIG houses,
lots of showy things, expensive
jewelry and clothes, exclusive clubs,
private islands, boats that sit

Perhaps that is why the master teacher
Yeshua Ben Joseph said
that it is not so easy
for the rich man to enter
into the kingdom of peace and love

If we were doing for others what
we do for ourselves, would that
not APPEAR to level out
the playing field?

Does hoarding create poverty?
What would Lao Tzu say? 500 BC
Does it ever change?

When one finally accrues their
'million dollars' have they made it?
Or do they tend to then justify
'needing' to set aside a million
for each kid? After that, do they
reconsider and decide 5 million
is more comfortable.
Of course after that, THEN they will
be able to give $1,000 to a charity

Managing this hell planet well
might not be the answer to peace.

Do your secretary and workers
struggle monthly as you pile up wealth?
Do your confiscatory fees ever HURT
anyone? Is your time worth 5 times
or 25 times the average working
wage of the average worker?

Where did YOU and society
go wrong?

Do for others what you want
done to YOU

Yeshua the teacher said,
'sell your crap rich man,
give it to the poor'

The rich man's head dropped
as he turned and walked away

The kingdom of peace and love
may not be full of the pretty,
opulent crowd. Perhaps peace and
love are not found in the
gold of this world

I love you
let's be peace
It can only begin NOW

Saturday, October 3, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: money
Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

You are Perfect!
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