Immortal Idols Poem by Joyce Rugg

Immortal Idols

You're chasing immortality,
But it's not in fleeting fame,
Nor in works of art
As we forget the masters' names

You'd love to believe
That you'll live forever
But history forgets you
once your soul is severed

Your intent is foolish
You're ageless, can't you see?
The earth will honor your death
With a new growth of green

Antonio Liao 10 July 2012

like dust rushing on the feet....amazingly crafted....10/10

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Briana Knight 09 July 2012

I love it. It made me tickled. Darling, I shall ask of you what I have of no other poet befor thee. Please, will you do me the honor of contacting me so that we ma collaborate in our poerty. Let us write a piece together! I would like to write on Immortality! No, our voices and nothing alike but in that I see beauti. Let me know. I'll give you my e-mail on a more privet page should you contact me through here. Chow Bella

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Theo Williams 03 July 2012

Lovely read, Very well written

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Chyna Parker 03 July 2012

well done! I love this poem entirely. perfect :)

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Its only Life, and in the end, no matter who we were...we are all the same...a return to where we were made. Powerful close-out places a poetic exclamation point on this pen-gem ~FjR~

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Joyce Rugg

Joyce Rugg

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