In Sick Divisions Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

In Sick Divisions

Quote he does...
From those who lived in 1779!
In town meetings held,
To enthrall those captured...
By a deceit known too well!

And he bloats these quotes,
Wishing to be perceived and believed...
He is the one chosen,
And the best to lead!

He makes statements of having values,
Like those who sit and listen.
While their infrastructure crumbles quick.
He dares to announce...
He supports more of this.

Yet nothing has he said,
Makes sense to their current existence!
He speaks of more war!
As they all are faced with foreclosed doors.
He speaks of depleting,
Their struggles to maintain...
A quality of life.
While an economy drains...
And crawls from lack of insight!

He speaks of disqualifications,
Of those he opposes!
Those who stand for justice.
Those inexperienced...
Who insist to wake up those who dose!

He campaigns to keep a drain remaining.
As those confused applaud in ovation!
Those who wish to maintain their blight.
Although he has no innovation...
To end their self righteousness,
Or their degradation!

Addicted they are!
And prescribed to sustain conflicts.
In sick divisions!
That darken their dimming visions!
That removes 'light' from their lives!

And yet...
He has been selected,
As the best candidate!
Their best prospect...
To reap a remembered prosperity.
From dreams that are dieing.
But he promises 'if' elected...
He will turn back the clock to revive,
And restore!
This he says he will ensure they get!

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