In The Name Of Broken Love Poem by Daya Nandan

In The Name Of Broken Love

I try my best to not give a damn
But it dosn’t matter where i am
The images of her keep haunting me
Images of the past in my eyes to see,

The ghost of a relationship left behind,
Becomes an unabscondable prison of my mind,
I try my best to move on, i am trying to let go,
But the past memories stunts me, i cannot grow

It’s hard to move on when my heart is broken in two,
By the unfaithful woman i loved with her love untrue,
The devotion i gave to make her laugh and smile,
The road of our love that i thought would be worthwhile,

Now it is all gone to a land of broken hopes and dreams,
A place of darkness where every forgotten soul screams,
i am left in darkness with the bleeding wounds that i hide,
A man who lost the love of his life, all broken up inside,

I do pray hard to god that somehow i find a way,
To stop my aching heart from dying slowly each day,
I don’t want to commit suicide in the name of broken love,
No, i am not a fool, i pray i am guided by god above.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: broken heart,love and loss
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