In The Next Galaxy Poem by Ruth Stone

In The Next Galaxy

Rating: 4.4

Things will be different.
No one will lose their sight,
their hearing, their gallbladder.
It will be all Catskills with brand
new wrap-around verandas.
The idea of Hitler will not
have vibrated yet.
While back here,
they are still cleaning out
pockets of wrinkled
Nazis hiding in Argentina.
But in the next galaxy,
certain planets will have true
blue skies and drinking water.

Matthew Hyatt 23 February 2005

I apologize but I do not understand your poem. It doesn't seem like it rhymes to me but it is obvious that you have a Jewish background. Try to find your poetry rythym and go from there. Listening to music always helps. Take a look as some of my poetry and see what I need.

5 13 Reply

May be there anywhere in the galaxy a planet where you need not worry about old age, ailments and political absurdity. Let's launch a search dear Ruth

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Sue Ann Simar 11 August 2012

Every word matters in this poem.

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Thomas Duncky 25 January 2012

May you sail smooth on yo journey in the galaxy Ruth. Matthew Hyatt u must be so dull my dear not to understand and appreciate such a masterpiece!

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Warren Falcón 25 November 2011

Dear Ruth, Bon voyage on your journey now begun to the next galaxy. Thank you for the beauty, the truth, the gifts extended and extending still like one finger of a spiral of stars sifting vastness appealing to be spoken.

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Jerry Buckley 22 March 2010

excellent....thought provoking.... could you post 'Train Ride' on this site? I found it in the Oxford Book and really enjoyed it.

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