Indian Voters Poem by Asit Kumar Sanyal

Indian Voters

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Indian voters can be divided
in three categories
'dog' voters
'cat' voters
and 'rat' voters.

Dog voters represent the character
of a dog
love their master
and not the homestead
they are loyal to leader
not the party
if their leader changes party
they follow the master
they are not bothered about party.

A Cat sticks to the homestead
It's not loyal to its master
If master leaves the house
the cat never follow him
remains there
the cat voters are the same
If their leader leaves the party
they never follow the leader
they love the party
leftist voters fall in this catagory.

The rat voters are of different kind
they are neither for leader
nor for party
they are opportunist people
and behave like the rats
wherever they get foodstuff, benefits
Jump on it
They are the mass
and in democracy,
rat voters write the future
of political parties.

New Delhi

Monday, September 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: character
Chinedu Dike 22 September 2020

I like the way you put this piece together. Great expression! Thanks for sharing and do remain enriched.

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Aftab Alam Khursheed 15 September 2014

Nice one and putting in proforma of voters nice job

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Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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