Ineffable Truths Poem by Spirit Music Hope

Ineffable Truths

In the hazy depths of this coffee shop's smoky veil,
I sit alone, a contemplative soul in need of a wake-up call.
A mere slap, some may say, could shake me from this reverie,
Yet, I sense a greater force within, a destructive energy,
Unbeknownst to me, seeking solace, seeking resolution.

My restless mind, forever longing to tidy the chaos,
A manifestation of pride, this belief I hold,
That I alone possess the power to mend the broken pieces,
To restore order in a world perceived as disarrayed.

But now I see, with newfound clarity,
That this desire stems from an egocentric pride,
A futile attempt to bend the world to my will,
To craft it as I envision, to fit my longing gaze.

Yet, can we truly seek answers in the general, the mundane?
Can spontaneity hold the key to our liberation,
When it was spontaneity that brought us to this precipice,
To this crossroad of uncertainty and introspection?

For truth, they say, is a double-edged sword,
Its weight a burden upon the shoulders of our souls.
And I ponder, in the depths of my being,
Is this pursuit of truth, of order, of rectification,
Worth the toll it takes on our fragile existence?

As I sit here, amidst the wisps of smoke and contemplation,
I find solace in the questions, in the abstract dance of thoughts.
For it is through this introspection, this seeking,
That we unearth the profound, the ineffable,
And in our journey, perhaps, we shall find the truth,
Hidden in the delicate balance of spontaneity and introspection,
A truth that transcends the chaos, and sets us free.

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