Introspection poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. Best introspection poems ever written. Read all poems about introspection.
The Owner of the entire known and unknown universe
The Owner of each point and cell of all creations, creatures
The Owner of all the beings seen, unseen, small and large
The Owner of all the unseen souls here and there;
He sleeps on the top of a mast. - Bunyan
He sleeps on the top of a mast
Happy new year to you all..
Leave alone the degrees of its variation.
Happy new year to you
Because you are all dear to me.
How shall a generation know its story
If it will know no other? When, among
The scoffers at the Institute, Pasteur
Heard one deny the cause of child-birth fever,
Although you have given me a stomach upset,
Weak knees, a lurching heart, a fuzzy brain,
A high-pitched laugh, a monumental phone bill,
A feeling of unworthiness, sharp pain
If you go deep
Into the heart
What do you find there?
Fear, fear,
Though I have reached to the dead end
Still I wish my feelings to be known and be sent
It may, otherwise, remain as closely guarded
No one may come to know how much I have succeeded
O! Poets! , the custodians of the truthful race,
Explore the field of virtue and grace.
Possessives are not used for better words of praise,
As sky waits to lap up the blue moon in its crown
the shadow still expands by the rolling the clouds
where each speckle of the wind mimes the blue
moment of the time bespeaks in its tone of truth
Who says that we both are not together
Sky meets the earth, Have you seen?
Who says meeting of eyes unites the heart
as I wait to see the blue moon
the shadow still expands by the clouds
where each speckle of the wind mimes me
the moment of the time in its tone of truth
What is life and what are its limits?
When someone ponders, they consider them as philosophers.
When life sucks all emotions and throws in disdain, remains naught
Too much may make one mad
(yet, too little can be as bad) .
The more that you think (and think and think)
the more you forget to wash - - you stink!
This poem
was about to speak to you
assuming that there is a you right there and now
I took to khaki at a word,
And fashioned dreams of wonder.
I rode the great sea like a bird,
Chock full of blood and thunder.
Successful legendary poetess she is,
Aroma of her poems motivates readers,
Visage of her is very poetic in joy,
Introspection power of her is high,
The dancing dewdrop on the leave,
Through the prism of the first sunshine
The sweet notes of cuckoo and lyre
And the drifting water from the waterfall
As I look out upon October leaves
And brown grass weathered by the Autumn sun
I see the shafts of light a bare branch cleaves
And so much of creation now undone
Some days are meant for marshmallows
Such light and puffy stuff
Time for tossing words about
For phenomenal fun with fluff
A broken night; breakfast-table phrases
assembled for a touch of sympathy:
‘don’t ask…! ’
‘bit out of sorts…’
He sat in the bright sun as it streamed through the living room window, the warmth kindled memories, lighting his way. In stillness, he felt a turning tide, realizing the greatest gifts he could provide.
Unconditional love, like the sun's constant glow, forgiveness for flaws, helping hearts to grow. Being truly present, through joy and strife, supporting dreams, valuing each life.
🎉Hello ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls, nature and God fans and supporters, it is with great honor that I'm so thrilled 😁 to announce to you my that my work behind closed doors will finally be brought to light. I've been working on a collection that has taken my experience and life encounters to a whole new horizon. A collection like never before, a masterpiece of 24 well crafted poems with knowledge contributions from some of the poets around the world. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the collection 'HEARTS AND STRINGS' it's my second official collection and my first debut album of poems for the year 2024.
'Hearts And Strings' is a poetic collection of 24 intricate and relatable poems that delves into the intricate and nuanced aspects of human emotions, relationships, and the contemporary human experience. The collection will be available publicly starting 18th February 2024. The poems within this collection navigate themes such as love, heartbreak, introspection, societal norms, the impact of technology, and the complex nature of existence in the modern world.
When one speaks of love emanating directly from the essence, it is a consequence that instructs careful deliberation.
As the sanity surrenders itself to the depths of emotion, a sense of sorrow may envelop it, leading to a profound introspection.
In the hazy depths of this coffee shop's smoky veil,
I sit alone, a contemplative soul in need of a wake-up call.
A mere slap, some may say, could shake me from this reverie,
Yet, I sense a greater force within, a destructive energy,
as shadow time shift pauses a poet ponders
eye introspection lost in retina life images
psychology is up on the diving board flexes dives
somersaults through air precision into pool depths
sensory perception probes mist maze labyrinths
The biggest question
Of change of faith,
Is when after,
A night long
simplicity? ?
intellectual excellence? ? ? ?
youth? ? ?
definition process? ? ?
Within I begin. To understand. What is the pretense of imagination. In my contemplation I find simple peace and elation. And the concept of a magi nation. It is within self reflection. Divine Introspection that we can allow our selves to flow. To receive source creator. And allow divine essence. Through self embodiment to align within the complex structures of our lives.
To bind with reality. This fallacy. Of open illusion. Within the scope of mental reality. Perceive what is within. To be beyond what is scene in the mind and with language alone. To have a heart of gold. Not a heart of stone. To be a lover of the world within your depth. To harness the power within your soul. With every breath. To see that love makes you grow. And never rest. You reap as you sow none the less.
Introspection here
Monday,31st January 2022
it makes a correction
Writing a poem is not about bringing some words together to create some charming sentences. It's so much deeper than that. Writing poetry is a bridge that allows people to express their feelings and make others live every single word they read. Poetry is to educate people, to lead them away from hate to love, from violence to mercy and pity. Writing poetry is to help this community better understand life and live it more passionately. contains an enormous number of famous poems from all over the world, by both classical and modern poets. You can read as many as you want, and also submit your own poems to share your writings with all our poets, members, and visitors.