Inner City Window Boxes Poem by Glen Kappy

Inner City Window Boxes

From "While Passing Through"/Spring

Late spring. Sunlight breaks
through gray to window boxes—
so the colors
of courtesies
and kindnesses.

Saturday, June 16, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: cities,city,courtesy,flowers,kindness,sun
Suzanne Hayasaki 20 June 2018

And couldn't we use a lot more bright moments in our days these days?

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Glen Kappy 20 June 2018

we definitely can. my wife and i were struck by the helpfulness of many in philly as we tried to navigate its public transportation. against the blare of what the media deems important, we tend to underestimate human kindness. thank you for yours, suzanne. -glen

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Daniel Brick 20 June 2018

I can feel the penetrating warmth of those sunbeams that are shooting into the colorless air and releasing the colors of spring. I realize a tanka has a syllabic limit but doesn't the LINE THREE NEED A VERB to make sense? Maybe you already thought of this and have a solution

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Glen Kappy 20 June 2018

hey, daniel! thanks for your warm words, and i appreciate your consideration from a poet-craft perspective. i'm definitely stretching the definition of tanka. honestly i just wrote it as it came and was hoping the images and connection would speak. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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