Inspiration For The Lonely Poem by Kay Moore

Inspiration For The Lonely


by Kate Moore1-AUG-2018

Why am "I" lonely, do you think to "ask",
Can someone help me, at long, long, last.
How many others feel...... just the same,
Unhappy living, the singles game.
Then guess what, my friend, I've got news for you,
With simple steps to walk you thru.
Years ago, when young men died,
At war on foreign shores, they gave their lives for you and me,
For freedom.......... evermore.
So tap into their courage, their heroism and their strength,
Grow your seeds of mateship, let that be your intent.
A friend of mine, assured me, with very good advice,
It takes but ninetyseconds, a conversation to inspire.
Myself,am known as jabber jaws, tho' mum's view was a sequel,
She complained, that when I was born,
Twas, injected with a gramophone needle.
I live on my own you see, with only my kitty for company,
So every chance that comes my way,
I talk, and listen and have my say.
Now this may not apply to you,
So here's some hints of what to do.
Your journey starts with just a step,
Outside your comfort zone, you must get.
Check the weather, and shower and dress,
You're on your way,I am impressed.
In times gone past, it was the rule,
To talk to strangers, was taboo.
Yet now most folks make the choice,
TheirI-phone is their only voice.....NOT!
Think about an opening line, that you could use every time,
Walk a set time every day,count the people on the way.
Regulars will greet you with a smile, even a "G'day" once in a while.
Whilst you could be first, to greet a few,
Strangers, that you never knew.
A smile is a mirror, of two ways, so how many can you share to-day.
If on your walk around the block, in front of a gardener,you should stop,
Compliment them on their domain,smile and walk some more again.
There is a pavement,on nearly every street,
What a safe pleasant place,to meet and greet.
Imagine, when at last, at home, a conversation,may at least have grown.
No matter how long or short or small,tick a calendar on your wall.
What gives you pleasure, what could be fun
Check places out, you have begun.
Friends may come, and some may go,
Just plod along, mayyour circle grow.
Source out your local paper,
This weeks, last weeks and again later
See if there's something that takes your fancy,
RSL Clubs, or movies,ordancing.
And,if you are up,to surfing the "net",
There could be places, you haven't heard of yet.
Volunteering can be the way to go, helping others, promotes inner glow.
Hospitals, Nursing homes and even Bush Care,
Lovely people are everywhere.
Yet remember they are extending themselves,
Willing to show you they care, refusing to stay at home alone,
Putting themselves "right out there"
Dance groups, dog walking, community gardens to name a few,
There must be something, you'd love to do.
If you're young and maybe shy, then I could seriously understand why,
But you are a lively loving soul, so to be a friend could be your goal.
Make someone happy, by being with you, then,friendship will surely follow thru.
Listening to them is a start, let them keep you in their heart.
And if you have a flair for Art, then an Art class is the place to start
Loosen up, don't feel tight, accept their faults, we're not alike.
Swimming clubs can be such fun, while golf clubs make you walk, not run.
Knitting groups are here and there, whilst "Men's Sheds" are growing everywhere.
Bowling clubs are common place, out in the sunshine, and open space.
In Yoga classesstay calm and relax, just to be on the floor, on a rubber mat.
Meditation, may soon be your style, a calming space, in a very short while.
Rotary, Bingo, Probis, Lions, Lionesses and Bowling clubs too,
Or your religious faith's church,will surely do!
U3A has many classes, all available for a yearly sub,
In all local areas,let them be your club.
So. come on,my friend, participate, don't try one, try them all,
In your social calendar,you will be having a ball.
Then you can copy this rag, and pass it on, so someone else can have some fun,
Maybe, they just need a nudge,let them try and be their judge.
So, no matter, now I've had my say, just take that first step and you're on your way.

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