Is Letting Go A Metaphor? Poem by Terri Turrell

Is Letting Go A Metaphor?

Rating: 5.0

what is letting go -
letting go of grief?
the serenity of letting go?
(must be a bad metaphor)
losing represents letting go of control

I need to understand this 'letting go'
is it a metaphor for facing the inevitable?
breathing as a metaphor for living
'the practice of pruning wine vines'
is that a metaphor for letting go?
surrender. reaching towards the future
if you'll excuse another bad metaphor...
'the last of the sand is pouring...'
onion metaphors are stripped down to the core
letting go is a metaphor for acceptance
is acceptance a metaphor for failure?
'The freedom of letting go'
that does sound grand

letting go is not for the faint-hearted
my hands and heart are tired from letting go
so many times over

examine why metaphor is not
a substitute for the literal

letting go is
a metaphor
for goodbye


Lorenzo Costigliolo 19 November 2009

Interestingly philosophical without being sappy - it begs the main question of the essence of letting go in all of its ramifications - as with regard to death, life, love, acceptance of failure which is the letting go of hope for success. Simply a perspicacious quetion of the essence of what is metaphor, a comparison, and letting go-which can be compared to anything we want.

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Marieta Maglas 09 November 2009

''letting go is a metaphor for goodbye'' wonderful abstract poem, very well written to convey the message.10+++++

6 3 Reply
Catrina Heart 09 November 2009

beautiful composition...........sad and touching!

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