I am these words upon this page
a crumpled page
a crumpled page
a testament to who am I
what is letting go -
letting go of grief?
the serenity of letting go?
(must be a bad metaphor)
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
My soul unworthy take my heart
That while I sleep my life depart
If I could paint a portrait of my mind
A masterpiece to show the world my thought
Displaying every path I've walked entwined
With every dream that I have ever sought
Hello My name is Sinfull and I'm punctuation perplexed
that's not the same as stupid - it's confused, unsure and vexed
I know I learned in high school but I guess I've just forgot
cuz ya'll are quick to tell me every time I skip a dot
He told me his truths were
uglier than mine
laughing, we threw words
that were
I speak with the shells of
your eggs
on my tongue
shards of them fragile
Fists beating the door
Either side
to be heard
Pounding in hearts
What if I said
I will lie here
in this place
And cease to breath
Regret and rue we never will
What lost will never learn
Within our grasp illusive still
The thing for which we yearn