You love me and you want me always to be there..3
Obey you, and do what pleases you...I have done that so far..Done all that you need..3
Been Everything I could be and changed my life to another phase.3 Yet, I think I have done a mistake..A Big mistake, for loving you when You loved me so much that you were going to die to be with me..
Here, I am, With you and never left yourside..I had even done things I could have never imagined to have done...3 Although, what do I do with what I heard? What do I say? ? ReallY my heart can no longer handle or stand the pain..ThE burn that cut me so then when I get another cut, i wouldn't have any feelings..I don't imagine leaving you..nor wish to since, i have fallen deep in love with you..I can't imagine my days with you(my sun) ...i can't imagine my nights without a moon..It feels like everything will go out of place when it's the end..
So, Here, I am asking my self..Is this the end?
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