It Is A Man’s World Poem by G. Akanji Olaniyi

It Is A Man’s World

Rating: 4.0

Woke up and thought about it
Sat up and speak about it
Beginning from the strength of endowment
Going straight into the wisdom of catchment
It is a creation of great purpose
Times again it is shown as a large sucrose
The control of the universe
Things in, under and around as diverse
The story is full of dominance
Though often display that arrogance
It is a man’s world
Yet he can never do all without a woman

Olaniyi G. Akanji
© 2015

Friday, July 31, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: man
A A Umar Udubo 04 May 2018

You poetically state the obvious sir. a world without women support is less a world, in other words, what is really a man without woman?

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Abdulrazak Aralimatti 01 August 2015

Truly, the world till today is governed by the male assisted by female

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Paul Warren 01 August 2015

Point is made thankyou

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Rajnish Manga 01 August 2015

As you have so deftly pointed out, the man remains content with the misconception that he is the master of universe. But at the same time, he also observes that he is nothing without a woman. I quote: It is a man’s world Yet he can never do all without a woman

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