It Is Spring Time Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

It Is Spring Time

Rating: 4.5

It is spring time and tender leaves
Sprout in fronds to flutter in wind
Earth gets draped in a new green
Leaving memory of winter behind

It is spring time and fragrance from
Tender leaves flits across the land
A cool wind blows towards the river
And at noon gets settle on the sand

It is spring time and a pleasant dawn
Breaks early upon peaks of high hill
Crystal water catches the clear sky
A lone star at its shore stands still

It is spring time and new buds with
New colors hold the earth in a trance
An elusive light grazes past treetops
Making the bees and the birds to dance

Its spring time and a soft song of the
Cuckoo comes floating from woods
Feeling the air heavy with romance
It longs to meet its mate and broods

It is spring time and essence of your
Youth hovers around minds of young
The white flower tucked in your hair
Signals that the love is pure and strong

@ Anil Kumar Panda 22/02/2016

Monday, February 22, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: season,spring
Valsa George 23 February 2016

It is a beautiful spring poem! After the dreary winter, the changes that come in Nature with spring are enchantingly brought forth! The poem gives a refreshing feel altogether!

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Jack Price 22 February 2016

I like this a lot, In your spare time please review some of my poetry which relates to spring. Thank you for this very lovely piece.

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