A Morning Beauty Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

A Morning Beauty

Rating: 4.7

It is a surprise
How in rhythm with
The fluttering of wings
Of a butterfly your eyes
Dance in the cool wind
How in a bid to
Capture the essence of
Buds you run with arms
Outstretched and curious
Birds chase you from behind

It is a surprise
How with your flowing
Dress you sprinkle colors
All across the fields and
Across banks of a stream
Hiding behind thick bush
I watch an angel in you
Sitting on the rock and
Waving at the clouds as if
I am in the middle of a dream

Thursday, March 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: beautiful,girl,morning
Rini Shibu 15 March 2018

You sprinkled beautiful colors on the fields through this poem

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Anil Kumar Panda 16 March 2018

Thanks Rini for giving time to my poem. Gratitude.

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M Asim Nehal 23 January 2019

Awesome poem and Congratulations for the honours of Member's POTD..

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Ruta Mohapatra 23 January 2019

A very deserving poem of the day! Congrats!

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Bernard F. Asuncion 23 January 2019

Tiko, a wonderful poem of the day. Congrats for beinf selected...10+++++++++++

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Indira Renganathan 09 November 2023

Very beautifully crafted poem...indeed your observation is too good...liked

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 29 June 2023

Great dream. Great poem. Sweet telling refreshing

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Marcia Schechinger 18 October 2022

Anil beautiful imagery in this wonderful poem, like a dream, soft rhythm makes it magical. Thank you for sharing your talent.

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Ruta Mohapatra 18 September 2022

Congratulations on poem of the day....

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Nosheen Irfan 16 September 2022

Wo delightful imagery. Well deserved pick of the day! 5 stars!

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