International Poetry Day this is the day where poets are celebrated on the day March 21 yay! hay!
International Poetry Day it's world poetry day long let's leave room for some of the most honored poets and Hall of Fame inductee poets that are all poetically ok.
It's International Poetry Day all poets will speak there true rhythms non-rhythmic truths on this day.
It's International Poetry Day all poets will come to the podium or stage and wan't be shy to speak to their words but will go into their own personal poetry phase.
It's International Poetry Day let's celebrate poetic expression and poetic justice before this day passes and we only have March 21st not May.
It's International Poetry Day camels in Egypt gives me a nice poetic vision walking their own way.
It's International Poetry Day orange lions and orange tigers and leopards gives me a International poetic vision hunting for their prey.
It's International Poetry Day Johnny Cage vs Liu Kang expresses their own fighting styles in their own ways.
It's International Poetry Day let's celebrate Black poetry day, let's celebrate Black love day let's celebrate all ethnicities day expressing all of their poetic feelings in their own way.
It's International Poetry Day let's celebrate world poetry day as Halloween shoppers, as Thanksgiving shoppers, as Christmas shoppers, and as New Year's Eve and New's Year Day shoppers celebrated the holidays.
It's International Poetry Day let's celebrate world poetry day before it's to late March 21st is the only day to celebrate and not May.
It's International Poetry Day let's let me and the poetic fans about all poets that they read on and listen to go crazy.
It's International Poetry Day let's thank God in our own words of poetic and poetic expression on this day.
It's International Poetry Day let's
celebrate let's celebrate happy hearts, happy minds, happy lively souls,
happy people, and poetry flows on this day.
It's International Poetry Day let's celebrate let's celebrate and realize the iconic and symbolic poets as well as to me personally a vision of Black and White pandas bears iconically and
symbolically marching or walking on their cold habitat they dwell in of cold snowy days it's International Poetry Day.
It's International Poetry Day let's celebrate world poetry day before it's to late March 21st is the only day to celebrate and not May.
Thanks Glen, I will check out ej's poetry and see what it's talking about.
brian, this reminds me first of a poem i posted recently, to the poets of ej's—which you might enjoy. it also reminds me of allen ginsberg in its flow. -glen
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
It's International Poetry Day camels in Egypt gives me a nice poetic vision walking their own way. It's International Poetry Day orange lions and orange tigers and leopards gives me a International poetic vision hunting for their prey. lovely images my dear poet. thank u. tony