It's Not Me Poem by Sathya Narayana

It's Not Me

Rating: 4.3

Looking at mirror means nothing to me!
This made up face, dyed hair and muscle heaves
aren't me. This walk upright, this upbeat mein,
this talk polite isn't me! They're like the leaves
that fall by Autumn's might one day from tree!

This showy suit I wear is just a lie;
and ticking watch on wrist is mere my way
of counting days in wait. These shoes can't size
my inner strides; how long, their strength and sway!
Looking at mirror means nothing to me!

Dreams stopped dawning at nights and omen walls
fell flat endorsing my long march! My eyes
and limbs with plain reflex perform their calls
as thoughts have ceased from playing sensual dice!
Looking at mirror means nothing to me!

My mind and heart became numb frozen roots
with dead taste buds, that sip the earthly saps
sans feel; as soul my fifes soft tunes on lutes
to grease the rasping time-wheel's raucous raps.
Looking at mirror means nothing to me!

Friday, December 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: dream,hair,march,mirror,suit,wait,walking
Bernard F. Asuncion 01 December 2017

Such a fine poem, Sathya... a huge 10👍👍👍

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Sathya Narayana

Sathya Narayana

Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
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