It's Off Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

It's Off

it's off

I'm done with it
not because I drank too much Seven Up
To clean up
To smash up
Smash up
Clean up
Break up
Push up
Lift up
Summed up
all things with up, becomes off and OFF again
in fact not with UP sincetranslating UP becomes unnatural
so I changed the word into OFF
and now my short poem has come to its end
my poem is now off, meaning I have finished my short poem, my brevity,
after submitting this brevity
it is over
and I will never use the word "up" again
I can only use that for
Seven Up
To clean up
To smash up
Smash up
Clean up
Break up
Push up
Lift up
sign up
but never
log up
must be: log in
but I am busy explaining the word UP
summed up
all these absurd alien words

I've come to the end of my brevity
the greatest happiness
not the end of my dignity

I thank God on my bare knees
since I wish to do that whenever I pray,
and oftentimes I mostly meditate
on the floor I sit
while I am praying to God,

now is my story truly off, since I must stand up
to go up and up again,
it's really off
because the light is now put off
my dear honey is waiting for our dinner
but I have ordered delicious food
o.n.l.i.n.e. at Dinner-To-Go
I go for it!

Sunday, December 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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