It's The Shade Poem by Gert Strydom

It's The Shade

Rating: 5.0

(for Daleen)

It's the shade of our being together
that daily do in the hot sun make shadows,
it's the camp-fire of intimacy
that at night do bring the heat
in the darkness where the whole world
is full of strangers that are not peculiar to us,
it's the sitting and praying together
that do make God a part
of the love between us
but now everything of this is lost
and we are two individuals
that do not really understand each other
or do notice the unsaid words
that do drift between everything
or do comprehend them
and the heartache and pain
of that which was love is overwhelmed
and I cannot conceive
why all the things have happened
of which I did not deserve the punishment
that was constantly doled out by you and especially by your children
in utter inhumanity
and now no one can say that I am overreacting
where we are apart
and are being divorced forever.

Thursday, September 28, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Kumarmani Mahakul 28 September 2017

Being together is definitely very interesting. Sitting and praying together builds trust more ahead. Separation gives pain. An amazing poem is shared is interesting.10

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Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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