It Takes A Bit Of Ingenuity Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

It Takes A Bit Of Ingenuity

It takes a bit of ingenuity,
And faith accustomed to being tested...
To start each day with initiative,
Concentration and steadfast motivation...
To make five dollars left in one's pocket,
'Feel' as if it is more than one hundred.
And with an innovative mind to find 'something',
Already known to be less than a dollar.
But will cost more than $2.50.
To then be sold on the belief the purchase is a bargain.

'May I have a 'small' cup of coffee,
With two glazed donuts, please? '

~Sure, of course.
That will be six-fifty.~

'You know what?
It just occurred to me,
I am on a strict diet.
I'll just pay for an empty cup.
And imagine it being half full.'

~No problem.
That will be one dollar and twenty-five cents.~

It takes a bit of ingenuity,
And faith accustomed to being tested...
To start each day with initiative,
Concentration and steadfast motivation...
To make $3.75 left in one's pocket,
'Feel' as if it is more than one hundred.
Then to find 'something' to do with it.

Hey. Yeah you.
Would you happen to have ten dollars?
I would love the taste of coffee,
With a few donuts I haven't had in months.*

I only have $3.75.'

What do you expect me to do with that?
I'll take the empty cup.
I can earn more than that in less than an hour.
You keep the change! *

It takes a bit of ingenuity,
And faith accustomed to being tested...
To start each day with initiative,
Concentration and steadfast motivation...
To just go for a walk.
Feeling blessed and appreciative of being able to do it.

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