It's All In The Hands Of Demi-God Believers Poem by Mark Heathcote

It's All In The Hands Of Demi-God Believers

Man has long declared ecological warfare
he's fought and killed his biological neighbours
due to skin colour and religious intolerance,
2nd-millennia-on, and he has slain and murdered
in the sole pursuit of finishing off and dismantling
this world. Man has set himself up as a demigod.
He believes it's in his power to destroy or save.
To fix the ozone layer and control the atmosphere,
we'll-save-the-environment with charity funds
and raise taxes: We'll save endangered species,
animals not with an arc but a zoo or a safari park.

We'll save declining trees and plants with seed banks
and learn to say, thanks, thanks for your 2 dollars
your 20 quid, your 40 euros it went a long way
towards saving the Giant Squid and the Snow Leopard.
Show your support, join-our-club and get a monthly photo.
'Don't you know you can make all the difference? '
Join hands; glue them to the tarmac of a motorway
shake your placards, show them, politicians,
we're in control, and at that next unauthorised rave
leave your crap and dance like you've-been-possessed and saved.

Yes, dance and shout. You deserve to be heard and recognised
you made a stance and brought about-
a transformation by being a true 'greenie.'
A tree-hugger, an eco-warrior, an enviro-nazi
yes, we are the 'counterculture brigade.'
It's we who knows-what-can-be-saved.
'Global warming' it's as well all your cohorts there old.
You-folk is all enslaved, you-should-be-glamping-it
with us saving the planet - stops eating meat.
Eat Quorn, use soya milk, I'm-sorry, I never meant to 'scare-yeah.'

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