It's Foggy Out There Poem by Jim Yerman

It's Foggy Out There

I awoke to a blanket of fog covering the mountains this morning
as I walked outside I was cautious not to make a peep
I told the Earth it's early…go ahead and let her mountains sleep.

It was a cold morning in the mountains…the temperature was 52
I guess fog is proof that on a cold morning the Earth sees her breath too.

I love how there is a calmness in the morning fog,
how all boundaries seem to cease,
how there is a peace that overcomes me
and how I find beauty in that peace.

I love how sounds are unaffected…unfazed by the fog…
I hear dogs barking in the distance
and the voices of the morning birds seem to echo off the fog.

In the time it took to write these words
everything has shifted…
The sun and morning breeze arrived
and the blanket of fog has lifted.

Which makes me wonder if life isn't a little like the fog…
Sometimes the path ahead is hazy…it may not always be clear
but if we stop to enjoy the beauty of the moment
answers will appear

I wish everyone could experience a morning fog
It's a wonderful way for the day to start
In the misty solitude you get in touch with your soul
and hear with unbridled clarity…the voices inside your heart.

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