It's Late To Make Up Ballads For The Occasion Poem by Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America

It's Late To Make Up Ballads For The Occasion

it's late to make up ballads for the occasion
but I know whatever woe I'm feeling
others surely know themselves the same
waning of the stars, the moon
the something unexpected, out of tune
and you may feel as well sometimes
whatever life may send
sometimes you feel you're only
singing to the wind.
keep singing anyway.
better to sing than to drift away and
come to a full stop.
don't be dismayed.
think of the good of the moment
just the way it is, with no spectacular spectacles
and be content
some moments just for simple peace are meant
if you don't ruin them by restlessness

a pause in the monumental monumentalness of life
and all the hype.
be happy just to still have your own life
the sky doesnt have to be lit up with skyrockets
over the castles in your honour.
take time to breathe.
to speak with God, he's there
no matter what cynic's told you otherwise;
do not despair.
He really is everywhere.
whatever you're feeling
He's felt too.
Be still He says; I'll comfort you.

mary angela douglas 5 may 2023

Mary Angela Douglas

Mary Angela Douglas

Little Rock, Arkansas United States of America
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