I sat down to read my book,
I heard a knock at my door.
My heart sank like a stone,
I didn't want to talk anymore.
I've nothing to give! Nothing to give!
I opened the window to let in some light,
I sat down again to read my book.
The phone suddenly rang and my heart skipped a beat.
I jumped off my chair and my body shook!
Nothing left to give, but lots to forgive!
Family and friends just don't understand,
They all try to help and give me advice.
I love them all for their continued support,
The time as come to pay the price.
It's My Life, My Life to Live!
check spelling of 'Life' in the title. Do you know you can edit your poem after it appears? ;) Welcome to PH.
Wonderful poem.... its true people don't let us live our life our own way...excellent description of the problem faced
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
last line: 'has', not 'as', of course. This poem intrigues me. It makes me wonder what inspired you to write it. bri : )