Johnny Angel: Demon For Hire. Chapter 4. Part 3 Of 5. The Blood Witches Of Bavaria. Poem by Shaun Cronick

Johnny Angel: Demon For Hire. Chapter 4. Part 3 Of 5. The Blood Witches Of Bavaria.

Rating: 5.0

The Orb and Dragon's Breath in unison are deadly,
But I stay focused breaking cover, Azsalem my aim.
And in my right hand a weapon from The War In Heaven,
A Keeper a gift from Gabriel who's carved my name...

Johnny Angel: Demon For Hire. Chapter 4. Part 3 Of 5.
The Blood Witches Of Bavaria.

Damn! It feels so, so good in my ice clamped hand,
A Keeper! MY Keeper! A three pronged diamond knife,
That will cut through anything Witch or Witch Queen,
For this is the weapon to end Azsalem's eternal life.

And where is that infamous Witch bitch hiding to,
Help me! Please! Help me! A child a human child.
Impossible! My powers would never have missed...
I drench the child in fire, like a demon gone wild.

Then its pitiful screaming turns to loud laughter,
To reveal slowly walking through the inferno...Azsalem!
Oh! So rare to meet a demon and such a clever one,
So let me bid you welcome to my Blood Witch haven!

She snuffs out my Dragon's Breath with what I seek,
The Black Runestone fastened onto her thorned wand.
She waves it and I'm hexed, then she sees my Orb,
With another wave it's hers to command and respond.

I'm surrounded by Witches closing their distance,
Hissing glaring spitting, as Azsalem admires The Orb.
Then utter silence as Azsalem begins again to talk,
Oh demon your blood and powers I'll drink and absorb.

And this pretty divinely evil little bauble is to be my pet,
Very pretty but not as beautiful and thoroughly evil as me.
Then with a slicing wand motion she cuts off my left hand,
As Azsalem and Witches see torrents of my blood flow free.

I do not cry out I will not content any their sly satisfaction,
My stump I shove into my waistband, next to a glassed weapon.
No! No! No! Demon! Take it out and hold it up to me and us,
For the deaths of my blood sisters you need to be taught a lesson....

Continued in Part 4 Of 5.

Saturday, June 13, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: angels ,demons,witches
Dr Dillip K Swain 13 June 2020

An incredibly powerful composition! Appreciated and admired......10/10

2 0 Reply
Shaun Cronick 16 June 2020

Thank you Dillip for your most kind and generous comment sir. So glad you enjoyed reading it. Take care and I thank you again.

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