In A Poet's Book Poem by Shaun Cronick

In A Poet's Book

Rating: 4.6

In a poet's book,
Poetry is king.
Poems of hope,
Are revealed within

In a poet's book,
Culture lasts forever.
To be appreciated,
Through life's endeavour.

In a poet's book,
Nothing is ever torn.
Though its pages,
Are all well worn.

In a poet's book,
Words tailored for you.
Chapters made to soothe,
Phrases that hold true.

In a poet's book,
Worries don't exist.
Troubles are abandoned,
Sadness never missed.

In a poet's book,
Dreams are on display.
All magically revealed,
None are hidden away.

In a poet's book,
Aspirations will be found.
Allied with imaginations,
Both worthy to astound.

In a poet's book,
Life is alive and well.
Where its heartbeat thrives,
Where it does so dwell.

In a poet's book,
Wisdom waits for you.
If seeking illumination,
Read what is on view.

Dedicated to Lodigiana Poetess.
For the inspiration and for sharing
Her gifted and ethereal poetry.

Saturday, September 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: dreams,hope,inspiration,life,truth
Shaun Cronick 12 September 2020

This has now doubled in size by four more additional stanza's thanks to Lodigiana Poetess and her captivating and inspiring comments. So if you just read and enjoyed the four stanza version there's more to be registered. Oh and all those silly typo's have been removed and the grammar condensed a wee bit more, so it now flows and beats a tad better.

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Ace Of Black Hearts 12 September 2020

Excellent inspiring poem, in a poet's book, secrets are both held and revealed. but only if the timings right. by the days dawning light. You have hit a note that's so true.

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Lodigiana Poetess 12 September 2020

Hi Shaun you could not have expressed it better my friend! ..all wonders and wisdoms are within those pages, together with dreams, aspirations and life! Well written Shaun a lovely piece! lodigiana x

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 12 September 2020

A beautiful poem that focuses on the importance of Poetry and its contributions to humanity. Yes, in Poetry, we could always seek wisdom and insight that could propel us to change for a better life. Beautifully conveyed and crafted write. To my Poem List.

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Lyn Paul 12 September 2020

This book is to cherish. Beautiful words expressed.

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Frederick Kesner 05 April 2022

Yes! That is what we find as we travel and sojourn within a poet's book! Thanks for visiting my page. Perhaps one day you might find even a portion of this poem's assertions. If so then all is well. Thanks again.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 21 January 2021

In a poet's book life is alive... brilliant expresesed. A great poem that precisely articulates virtues of a poet's book. Top score! !

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Chinedu Dike 30 November 2020

Really an insightful bit of verse nicely embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 09 October 2020

A beautiful poem that captures the very essence of a Poet and Poetry. Yes, Poetry is encompassing. It covers all aspects in life. A well crafted write woven by a true and dedicated Poet.

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Shaun Cronick 01 October 2020

Thank you so much Suresh Kumar Ek for your most beautifully expressed comments sir. For how well you phrase them and I firmly agree. For a poet's potential, any poet for that matter, is truly infinite. I thank you again and I wish you well sir.

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