Just Passing Through Poem by Margaret O Driscoll

Just Passing Through

Rating: 5.0

I took a trip down memory lane
along the byways last September
Pointing out familiar places
and events I well remember
Twin peaks away in the distance
mountains all hazy in blue
To the southwest a woodland
all around an amazing view
The ditches purple with heather
fuchsia drips red in the hedge
Swallows feast for their migration
montbretia in bloom at the edge
The hay fields that once resounded
to the corncrakes constant call
Where hay was cut and turned
when dry piled in haycocks tall
I passed along the old school route
I thought of the stream roaring down
Water gushing out of the gulley
froth rising, the bubbles peat brown
The turn where I saw a stoat
slinking along, tail end black
The hill where the kestrel hovered
then suddenly launched an attack
A region remote and rugged
where stars lit up the dark nights
Where in childhood I gazed in amazement
at the swirling Northern Lights
Time passes but memories remain
to be passed to generations new
Cherish those magical moments
we are all just passing through

Monday, May 25, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood ,memories,past
Daniel Kelleher 04 September 2016

A beautiful poem to pass on to future generations, .

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Margaret O Driscoll 05 September 2016

Thanks Dan, I can still hear the stream roaring down the mountain in full spate! !

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Hugh Tague 05 September 2015

Beautifully done sweet poetess!

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Margaret O Driscoll 05 September 2015

Aww thank you Hugh, such a sweet comment! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Jaishree Nair 25 May 2015

Good write. Memories presented nostalgically. Thanks

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Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

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