Just Thinking Poem by Raymond Farrell

Just Thinking

Just thinking as I walked
Down the road
Across from the West gate
The insufferable traffic
Forbids one lapsing into a complete daydream
But yesterday around noon
I met Le Tian in the canteen
He said I don't really feel like it
But its that time again
And one must eat
Well tonight
Amid the blare of horns
I thought
Recalling what he had said
So much time eating and sleeping
When an orange Ferrari, no less
The driver gunned it with a roar
I then thought another aimless waste
Of money, resources and cubic inches of engine
To make a statement
A cliche on wheels
Do any of us ever
Really have an original thought
I doubt it
It's so far along the way
With thousands of years
Of humanity
Everything seems to have been said
In one way or another
And nobody seems to be paying attention
Oh well, screw it anyway
Here's the restaurant
And it's that time again
If only I were
A fat, jolly connoisseur
Of gastronomy.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: commentary
Kelly Kurt 05 July 2016

Some deep thoughts and insights. I have often wondered if I will ever have an Apriori thought or after all this time and number of consciousnesses, if it is still possible. I was just speaking with a friend last night of my distaste for the wonton waste of the wealthy with their excesses too

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Raymond Farrell

Raymond Farrell

Perth, Ontario
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