Kasmir, The Paristan And The Land Of Fairy Tales Poem by Chan Mongol

Kasmir, The Paristan And The Land Of Fairy Tales

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I wanted to go back to GILGIT, PARISTAN, to the peak!
To kingdom of flowers, fruits, birds and natural music! !

There, the sky touches the earth and made it the heaven!
Once, no access control in the valley and all were just open! !

Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat gave Kashmir the protection!
That land is sick now due to the mobilization of bad civilization! !

Heaven of the earth with the unique land structure!
Trees, fruits, clean air and water with temperature! !

No more travelers, allover killers, unrest everywhere!
Polluters there, nothing looks cleaner, only tension, fear! !

If we were there using your wings and sweet songs, dear!
We could build our dream home to stop their hardware! !

As my Goddess, I needed your arrows and the spear!
Needed virgin love to guard around Kashmir's lake water! !

I been looking at beautiful girls and wanted to locate you!
In voyages of centuries, I found no match with Kashmir's view! !

Sorry my love! I am sorry Kashmir! My glory and fame!
Five hundred years ago, We left the valley with Adam! !

In the mind, I didn't lose Kashmir, dreamland and neither you!
You are in me, in my family with your vigorous and pretty view! !

Kumarmani Mahakul 01 April 2018

Kashmir is the kingdom of flowers, fruits, birds and natural music! Kashmir looks like heaven in Earth. Kashmir is glorious and lovable. We do not want to lose Kashmir as this is our family and we all love Kashmir. This poem is written as a tribute to Kashmir. Your views and affection for this land of fairy tales you have amazingly presented...10

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Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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