Killing The Ravens - Chapter 3: Catching The Thief(Revised) Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

Killing The Ravens - Chapter 3: Catching The Thief(Revised)

Come back the women screamed at the market chasing after this scraggly looking child. He was holding a bag of what looked like a fruit and vegetables.
Their was most certainly enough to feed a whole family for weeks. Yet he was running as if he wasn't carry anything. Indeed this child had an interesting talent. And he disappeared just as the women caught up with him. She was stumped, confused, searched the area for little bit then scampered off grumbling something of the nature I will get you yet you damned little thief. The child reappeared right after the women left in a place she look. He indeed was a soon to be the wizard of a illusion. He was in the middle of a three way alley way with houses adjoining on all sides. And in the middle street he walked and knelt down to grab something, and up popped a wooden hatch that till that point was not visible to the naked eye. He climbed down cast iron grate latter that lead down a four way stone corridor. He took the path directly across from the latter. It was narrow and seemed to go on for miles their was no light to make of. Finally upon reaching end their was heavy steel reinforced door which a torch was held in serpent like wooden holder that lit the way. Three different were visible upon this door, each one more complex then the next. One required a set of three keys, One require a special combination of sequential 10 numbers. And the last required 16 certain symbols, which I'm sure had some specials meaning.

As he entered all these children ran up to him. All speaking at the same time so that one could not understand a single word of what they said. He start passing out the food acquired from his raid. They were all orphans who lost their parents during the war. Their was 30 of them in total. They would not go hungry if he could help it. But try as he might these were both trying and dangerous times. The harsh winter has made food quite scarce. The market has been closed down for weeks that how bad it was. Today was the first day in a good while of selling such goods. And the prices were quite steep. Not something a young boy could afford. Do we accost him because he stole to survive?

As I approach the town gates benard with these two men, I thought to myself would they vouch for me? Or would they cause more conflict? Could I avoid hurting them? Would I have that option, that choice?
Ren & Greg I spoke both calmly and quickly as we were closing in on the gates, Here are your papers. Ren you are now Nicolas Boone. And Greg you are Alexander McNeil. You are now my apprentices, who will do my bidding without question. If you don't, you will be exposed as imposters, and Nick Ashton will have his men hunt you down and capture you. He will torture you in ways I'd rather not think about. Eventually you will die, but not until he is satisfied he's got all the information you know about me and my plans. Nicolas(Ren) Spoke first, so let me get this straight were just trust you, and hope like hell nothing go's wrong? What guarantees do we have? What you risk do share with us in this endeavor? And how did you come by these papers?
And did you know you were going to need them? Well simply put it is not going to go wrong, as long as you follow my guidance. And I have put more into this then you will ever know. And I knew I was going to run toll men on the bridge I just didn't who they were going to be. I could explain to you how I knew this but you would not believe me. For in somethings only a people like me can comprehend. And the papers were forged by a friend of mine, he is the best forger that I ever known, and I have utmost confidence in what he has provided me.

As we got closer their I noticed this town was more like a fort then an actual town. It was surrounded by a brick wall 20ft high all the way around with catapults, and watch towers sitting every 15ft. It looked rather new which surprises me with the war supposedly being over. Such an investment means they are expecting to be attacked in the near future. But by who or what was the question. Maybe they weren't allies with Nicholas Ashton after all. Or maybe Nicholas Ashton was expecting this attack and had it built. It definitely peeked my curiosity and hopefully I would find out very soon.

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